A picture is worth a thousand words, are you open for business? IT'S YOUR CHOICE
No one knew their 2020 business year would be starting during a global pandemic nor no one knows how it will end. What we do know is how you choose to respond gives you the choice of what your outcome will be. As a small business owner regardless if your business started out just for fun, as a hobby or something you have worked towards your whole life, you want it to succeed. Your business then becomes your livelihood and you must make it work for you and your family which becomes your responsibility in hope it provides a decent income and not impact poorly on your livelihood. You will do whatever it takes to protect your business and keep your dream alive. Now out of nowhere and out of your control you are facing your biggest challenge to keep your business afloat and surviving this. With the days passing and no cash flow coming in, stress will be kicking in and it will become more difficult to keep a positive mind set to keep pushing forward. However, how you respond now will reflect your outcome facing this unprecedented event. Be sure not to make decisions on your own and make sure you get guidance and help.
Unsure of where to start? Here are some tips you may find helpful to get you started and find a way forward.
Make a plan Start by putting a plan in place and even if your plan is small, it still helps to have something to focus on and work towards. Decide how you want to control your finances during this time by working out a small budget, only forecast it out for the first four weeks of your business reopening and go from there. Be realistic to the levels of lock down and what it means for your business to be trading. Weigh up if the time is right and if financially it is the right choice. Although you are itching to get your cash flow flowing in again you may find your expenses outweighs your potential revenue at this point.
Get help where you can Do not be afraid to seek help, get connected and stay up to date with what help is available to support your business. Our Government was quick to release financial support for businesses during this time. Here is what is available:
Wage Subsidy and Leave Schemes
Business Finance Guarantee Scheme
Business cash flow and tax measures
Support for Māori communities and businesses
Be sure to get In Touch with you bank to see how they can help your business.
Here is some of what is available for support:
Early access to savings
Overdrafts at discounted rates
Relief from fixed financial commitments, interest cost and fees
Guidance and advice
Access the Government Business Finance Guarantee Scheme
Reach out to local organisations such as Work and Income and Te Whare Putea Resource Centre / Heartland Services. There is help available here too. For further information on financial support visit Unite against COVID-19 website
Look for opportunities and adapt to change Keep communication open with the people around you and take this time to reflect on your business, are there improvements you have been wanting to work on but simply did not have the time? If you have staff invest time in some training opportunities for them to upskill or even yourself, this does not need to be costly, search the web you would be surprised what free courses are out there. Local organisations may be able to help with this also. Can your business go online? look at this option, seek marketing advice or maybe there is a new service your business can provide? Now is the time you can make these changes happen. Although there is so much uncertainty out there of how the future will look, do try and keep open minded to opportunities and ensure to keep focus, doing these simple things will help your business survive.